Eleven days ago, on October 24th, our little man had his half birthday! My, how time flies! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home! He was so tiny! Well, he is no longer tiny, but he is still the sweetest little guy around. When he went to his 6-month check-up he weighed 19.65 lbs and was 27.7 inches long. Amazingly, he can still wear some of his 3-6 month clothes, but most of the time he is wearing 9 months or even 12 months clothes. He smiles all of the time! And he has the cutest laugh! He tries to grab anything that is close to him...and put it in his mouth. Abby really does not understand why he chews on everything and is constantly telling him, "No, no Garner. Don't bite that!" The other day, he actually managed to somehow pull off the top part of his high chair and started chewing on it.
Garner loves to move! He is always wiggling when you hold him trying to see what is going on. He has been able to roll around for a long time and lately he has been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He doesn't actually have any forward movement yet, but he has his belly all the way off the floor and you can tell that he is really thinking about it! He also LOVES to jump! Anytime I try to sit down and hold him, all he wants to do stand on my legs and jump! It is so funny! But it also makes your arms really tired! Luckily, he also loves his activity center he can jump in and the jumperoo that hangs from the door frame. He and Abby have to take turns on the jumperoo because, strangely, she still likes it. She also loves to jump and has from a very young age, but I don't know if she started her jumping when she was quite this young.
Abby is still the best big sister we could ask for. She loves Garner and he loves her. She is very sweet to him. She sometimes has a difficult time when he gets a hold of one of her toys. We're working on it. She did tell me in the car the other day, "I gonna give Garner some of my toys. When we get home, come in my room with me and hold him." I thought it was so sweet! Here she is "reading for him".
And it might be a little late for these next pictures, but they're cute! These were their Halloween pajamas!
Abby and Garner, your Daddy and I are so blessed to be your parents! I couldn't imagine a sweeter, cuter, more wonderful duo! Words cannot express how deep our love runs! We are so lucky to have you and I thank God everyday that he gave us you two!
Love all the pictures!!!! Your kids are so cute!!!
Payton is about the same size as Garner, she is almost 19 lbs and she is 28 inches long!! But somehow she is wearing mostly 9-12 and some 18 months!
Your kiddos are so dang cute! They are getting so big. It was great seeing you on Halloween Jamie, I miss you already! Emmy
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