Okay, so I really intended to post pictures and things a lot more often than I have! What can I say? Life gets in the way, I guess! Anyway, I have a couple of minutes so I wanted to post some pictures. There is not much to report around here. Abby, Garner, and I are at my mom's this week. Abby is having a wonderful time playing with her cousins and she loves getting to see her Meemaw everyday! She does miss her Daddy, though! Garner, of course, has no idea what is going on - he just nurses all day and sleeps for 30 minutes at a time! He is such a cutie though! I can't believe he is already one month old! Before you know it he will be as big as Abby! She sure does love her brother, too! She is always rubbing his head andtelling him, "Don't cry Baby Garner, it's okay" and putting his "paci" in this mouth (even when he is sleeping!). When she hears him crying on the baby monitor she tells me, "Go get my brother out!" It is really cute! Anyway, I am going to go ahead and stop rambling because I have a lot of random pictures that I want to post.

P.S. I don't want to get into it, but you have no idea what I went through to get this posted!