Now for the kiddos! They are doing so good! They are both getting bigger every time I look at them. Abby is no longer wearing diapers! Garner has TWO teeth - he got the first one a month ago, so when he had just turned 4 months. I am pretty sure some more are coming in because his mouth is really bothering him still. Bless his heart...I know it hurts! And at his 4 month check up he weighed just under 17 pounds and was 26 inches long. Big and big! Oh, and about 2 weeks ago I started giving him a little cereal and this week we started giving him some baby food! We started with sweet potatoes because for some reason I felt like this was a compromise between vegetables and fruit? I don't know... Here are some pictures:
First bite!
What is that? it good?
I think I like it!
Give me that spoon!
and happy!
I love that baby! He is so cute! And he loves to eat! His first time eating baby food, he finished the whole jar! It took Abby at least a couple of days to get used to eat. And the first time she ate peas, she gagged. Oh, no. Not Garner. He didn't even hesitate. He had them last night for the first time and he gobbled them up!
Now for the "Abby section"! She is getting so big! This weekend was the Waco Cultural Arts Festival at Indian Springs Park. Angelo and I had intended to take Garner and Abby, however, Garner fell asleep at BiBi's, so he stayed there and we just took Abby. I missed hime, but I am glad he didn't come because it would have been no fun for him and it was good to have a little Mama, Daddy, and Abby time. We don't have much of that these days and I think she really liked it. She loves her brother and is such a GREAT big sister! And Garner loves her, too. He just looks at her and watches her and smiles! And she can make him laugh harder than anyone! It is so cute! Anyway, the Arts Festival was really great. It is all free and they have a bunch of booths set up - some with artists and their work and tons with activities for kids. Abby didn't really know what to think at first. This is her at the first place we went, making a fish windsock...
Then she spotted the chick-fil-a cow and all she wanted to do was look for him. Here she is not paying attention to her artwork, but looking around for the cow.
She kept asking, "Where is the cow?" So we finally went to find him...
We made a crazy hat...
We played with glue...
She painted with daddy...
She really was having fun, although you wouldn't be able to tell from this picture...
She actually needed to potty. I am proud of her for not having an accident even though we had to hunt for a bathroom.
The next pictures are of her painting. This was by far her favorite part - and ours too. She was so serious about this artwork.
And she helped me paint, too...
We call this "Bubbles" :)
I can't resist showing this pictures of our little artist's feet!
And we got her this little "bicycle man" (as she calls it). As she pushes it, his little legs pedal. It was made in Kenya and we got it at a booth selling fair trade goods at the festival. It is pretty cute and she LOVES it!
All in all, I would say we had a great time!!!
And on that note, I will leave you with these two adorable faces...
I love all the pictures!! Congrats on finishing your degree. I knew you could do it ;) Now I understand why you never call me back you have been one busy momma. Give me a call sometime.
Thanks for posting!! They are both so cute!!
We both have big baby's and they both love food!! haha!! Payton likes peas and green beans too!!
They are getting so big! That picture of Garner's eyes after he took that bite of sweet potatoes is priceless! He doesn't know what to think. I am so proud of you for graduating, CONGRATS! We are moving into our new house this weekend, so you must come visit soon! Glad ya'll are all doing well! I miss you!!!
Love you, Emmy
CONGRATS on graduating!! That is so exciting- sounds like you have had a busy summer. I'm so glad you posted this though- I love seeing the pics of Abby and Garner- they are precious!!
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