Fun At Tio and Tia's House
Last Sunday we went over to Angelo's brother Santiago's house. He grilled hot dogs and got out the kiddie pool. It was hot, but it was a good time. Christina's family was over there also. Her brother and his wife, Kirbi, had there 4 year old daughter, Shelbi, (they are also expecting a new little girl within the next few weeks) with them and her and Abby had a really good time in the pool.
This picture is before we left our house. She loves to get in this dumb bouncy seat. For a long time I fought to get her not to sit in it, but I am too tired and I don't care enough to make a fuss over it any more. You have to pick your battles - especially with a 2 year old. She got in that seat and told me - I am not kidding and I am a little embarassed - to bring her a beer! I don't know where she gets this stuff!
Hanging At BiBi's
We also went over to see Bianca and Ralph before they went on their trip to Washington. All of us were in the living room talking and Abby quietly walked out and went into the "playroom". I picked in and she was sitting in this chair reading books.
He was able to snap that photo without being noticed. Then she saw him:
And here she is saying, "Get out of here, Daddy!"
Abby also helped her Bibi pick some squash as their house!
A Bit of Randomness
I tried to get Garner interested in his mobile, which lasted about 5 seconds!
I got sick of the crying/whining/dirty house and tried to leave, but Abby cheered me up by offering me a drink of her milk!
Then she chased me around the tree!
Life is an emotional roller coaster!
Your babies are too freaking cute! I laughed out loud at the beer thing! You have to update this more often...its cracking me up. I miss you guys!
Love, Emmy
I just had time to read all this and I agree with Emmy, that made me laugh out loud about "bring me a beer" That is classic. lol
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